Friday, September 18, 2009

Business Hidden Camera Placement

OK, what about my business?

Where can I put hidden cameras in my business, warehouse and office?

First of all, the bathrooms are completely off limits! Don't even think about it!

The rest is pretty much fair game.
The break room is an excellent place to start. Who is spending all their time at the water cooler or stealing lunches? And how does your coffee supply dwindle so fast?

Desks are a good placement for picture frames, work lamps, and boom box hidden cameras. Keep in mind, if it is placed on someone else's desk, it will most likely be moved from time to time, so check the video frequently.

Walls are better. A wall clock hidden camera is ideal for surveillance. This area is unlikely to be disturbed and once set in position won't need to be checked up on.

Warehouse....well, it depends. Is there a desk where everyone seems to gather? Is it all racks with pallets and a forklift coming in and out? Here again, a wall clock, exit sign or security lights might be your best option. Anything else in a high traffic area is likely to be moved.

Smoke breaks? Where do your employees congregate for their smoke breaks? Is it somewhere you could install a security light hidden camera? Is there a window nearby that could have a hidden camera on the window sill? The possibilities are endless!

What about that back storage room where no one ever seems to go? OK, so we all know the two main reason someone visits the storage room....for supplies and .....well, you know. Virtually any hidden camera can be placed here. Find out who is taking your supplies, if they are signing them out and keeping your inventory count accurate, and if someone is taking a little extra for themselves. There's also the office romance that can be kept in check!

Hallways are a great option for wall clock hidden cameras or picture frames as long as the picture is something related to the business and not something that is obviously out of place.

Stairwells are another good place for hidden cameras. In this day and age, everyone is sue crazy! Protect yourself and your business with a hidden camera clock or picture frame to ensure that you know what did or did not happen on those stairs.

It may save your business!

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