Friday, September 18, 2009

Where do I put my hidden camera?

I just bought my first hidden camera to watch my nanny!

So where do I put it?

With nannies becoming more and more aware they are being recorded, they are now able to hide their inappropriate behavior. Here are some critical points to consider in placing your hidden camera to work around this issue:

* The kitchen is where your nanny prepares everything your child eats. It's a good idea to put a boombox hidden camera in this area with a wide view.

* The living room is the only other place that will be frequented as much as the nursery. This may seem like stating the obvious, but it is essential to place hidden cameras on both walls so that you don't get a view of your nanny's back every time. Plus, this will give you an idea of how much TV she is watching. Or is the TV babysitting your child?

* The nursery is a given! Now, nannies will most likely be looking for a hidden camera and aware they are being recorded here. But, it is still prudent to put a clock hidden camera on the wall or picture frame near the baby's crib.

* It is illegal to put a hidden camera in the bathroom where private things are taking place, but if you have a bookshelf on the opposite wall from the bathroom door, you may catch bath times! (It is assumed that when doing private things, the nanny would keep the door shut, thus not being recorded.)

* What about the garage? Do you have preschool age children that play with bikes and toys in the garage? Do they seem to get hurt outside a lot or have multiple scrapes and bruises after a playdate? A work lamp hidden camera would be perfect here!

* You may not realize that any camera can be placed with a view to your front or back lawn! So if there are unexplained marks on your child, the source of them would be easily identified with a hidden camera watching them play outside.

* The office may not seem a likely place to put a camera for watching your nanny, but what if she spends a lot of time on the internet? Wouldn't you like to know if she is neglecting your child?

* Does your child have a favorite closet? As kids, we used to play in my parent's giant walk-in closet, and most kids love this area. A motion activated camera here would only show activity not a bunch of black video to wade through. This may also tell you if your child is playing "doctor" a little too much! : )

* Does the stairway become a slide more often than not? Make sure your kids aren't using their sleds or doing other harmful activities on these stairwells! Picture frames, clocks or pinhole cameras would do well here.

As you place your hidden cameras and begin viewing the footage, it may be necessary to adjust the position slightly to get a better view. Play around with it and you'll figure out the optimal vantage point.

Next camera placement.

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