Saturday, September 26, 2009

Recall for Home Products

Well, the latest scare would be fire hazards in the home. Back in August, there were more than 200,000 Frigidaire and Kenmore smooth top oven/ranges recalled. This was due to the fact that over 100 reports were made about the stove tops coming on all by themselves! Even more astonishing was the fact that this wasn't some short where it would come on and go off immediately. The elements will just turn on without being switched on, and they will stay on! Talk about a fire hazard! Several people have even been burned, not realizing the burners were on.
What if you weren't home? Suppose there was a dish rag or paper towel in contact with the stove top? How long do you think it would take for that paper towel to get hot enough to ignite? Not long enough, in my opinion!
Access to your home's security cameras via a streaming DVR would save thousands if not hundreds of thousands in getting fire officials to your address sooner! If caught early enough, a neighbor could even break in for you and hose down the fire.
While I hate to be obnoxious about the usefullness of security cameras, they are a definite necessity!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Flash Forward

I'm LOVING the new show Flash Forward! If you haven't seen it, make a point to!

Take a look at the nanny getting busy with the boyfriend on the couch while the little girl is sleeping upstairs! Proves my point that even the most trustworthy employee or nanny needs to be watched.
Protecting your child, your security, home or investment should be your top priority. Covert cameras are now the new norm and it will take a load off your mind!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Security Logic

I recently saw an article about how Firefly is marketing a cell phone for 4 year old children! The phone has only five buttons and two can be programmed to call mom or dad.

Come ON people! Sure, my four year old had a blast "talking" on the phone. Did anyone understand a word she was saying? NO! Since when is a child that young in need of calling mom or dad? I can just see the preschooler whipping out a phone and chatting away with Mom at work or in the gym.

These are supposedly brightly colored phones that can be programmed with age appropriate ring tones, but when is a child too young for a cell phone?
A lot depends on the situation and the maturity of the child, but I'll tell you 4 year old I've ever seen is in need of a cell phone!
My vote, 12 at the youngest, but it's probably not necessary until 14.
Of course, my daughter is 6 1/2 and will, I'm sure, be begging at age 9 for a phone she saw her friend "using". Are we ruining their childhood?
And, shouldn't kids learn to write before they start texting and butchering, excuse me, abbreviating every word in the English language?

Keep in mind that 1/3 of teens in the U.S. have used their cell phone to cheat on school exams. Use your good judgement, friends!

A Rude Awakening!

Something you might want to know....
Carbon monoxide and smoke alarms are among the essential items to install first in your home. Whether you just had your home built, or are buying a used home; your #1 priority should be to check the CO and smoke alarms before moving in.
With over 400,000 fires in the US every year resulting in over 2,500 deaths, a $10 smoke alarm can be the best investment you've ever made! What's the reason I am suggesting a renewed vigilance in checking these alarms before moving in? Around 75% of deaths occurring from a fire in the home were in houses that had broken, disabled or non-existent smoke alarms.
Now, carbon monoxide deaths are much less frequent, but you could still be among the 500 Americans that die from it each year. The average alarm would cost you around $40, and is essential for any home that has fuel powered appliances. If you have any kind of flame related heating device in your home; anything that runs off of natural gas, wood, oil, gasoline or propane....PLEASE install a CO alarm!

Did you know?

Wow! Not only do these remote access DVR's (Digital Video Recorders) stream live video from your home's security cameras, the ones I carry are the only ones on the market with the capability to zoom and pan with your cell phone!
Wouldn't that be neat! You log in to your video feed from your cell phone....and, Oh, isn't that cute! The cat is playing with something under the coffee table. But what is it? Now you can zoom in and see that your beloved cat is playing with the dead mouse she so deftly captured in your back yard. And she's doing it on your brand new carpet just installed last week!
So, if you live close enough, you can come home on your break and eradicate the poor deceased animal from your living room carpet.

Well, OK, you might not do that, but what if you could access your video feed from the living room camera and see two sets of legs intertwined on your couch? Now you have the capability of panning and zooming in to watch in a horrified stupor while your nanny makes out with her greasy haired boyfriend on your couch. that your 8 month old playing on the floor not 10 feet away?? I don't know about you, but I would break every speed limit in the state to get home and deal with that little scenario!

Something to ponder...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reduce your risk!

We all want to keep our homes as safe as possible, right?

So put yourself in the mind of a thief. Unusual concept, I know....
But try it. If you were casing a house wanting to break in somehow, what would you look for? What specific features about a house would you avoid?

OK, I'll state the obvious. I would avoid the well lit house with close neighbors, barking dogs, or the place that had a sign posted for a specific security company.

Let's touch on the first issue.

Lighting for a house can be one of the best deterrents against crime. And, you don't even have to break the bank with a large electric bill either. Your best bet are any kind of security lights that have a built in motion sensor/detector. This way, your property doesn't always have to be lit up like a Christmas tree, but can still be secure. Just make sure the switch is always on or hard wire the light.

It has been proven that crimes are much less likely to happen when an area has sufficient lighting. This is one of the most cost effective ways to secure your home, as no criminal likes to be exposed by light.
Your best bet for positioning your lights are to keep them high with a wide range of visibility. It's a good idea to place them on several different areas of your home so that all access points will be thoroughly covered with light. It is also smart to put these lights high enough so that the average person cannot reach them and ruin the motion sensors.

Now, if you have money to burn, any kind of outdoor floodlight kept on all night will suffice. HID or High Intensity Discharge lights are somewhat energy efficient and will last quite a while. This will emit a blue-green looking light similar to Incandescent or Halogen lights. There are also high pressure sodium lights, these are the yellowish looking lights you often see in commercial parking lots. Instant on fluorescent lights are a great choice and you could also opt for metal halide lighting.
The latest development is LED lighting, of course. I have seen motion sensored LED lights, but they are battery operated. Why anyone would want this is beyond me. Yes, the LED is the most efficient type of lighting, but the batteries could fail you at a very inopportune time!
You could also go with the solar powered lighting, although I'm not sure if they would be consistently bright the entire night.
I'm partial to LED just because they are 85% more efficient than other lights, so whenever I can save a dollar here or there, I'm game! I also love the way the LED's look, but that's my personal opinion.
So what method of lighting will serve your home the best? Take care to select a security light that has adjustable settings of "ON" time. You don't want your lights going dim too soon after motion is detected. A well planned robbery can work around this. But, some neighbors will get a little agitated if your nice bright light shines right into their bedroom window any time the cat prowls around at 3 a.m. If your lights are positioned to shine downward instead of outward, you will alleviate a lot of this hastle. Remember, you care more about your house being invaded than your lawn or carport!
The lives of you and your loved ones are more precious than anything you could possibly own!

Trick or Treat??

Those pesky trick or treaters!

Want to know which neighbor's kid toilet papered your trees? What if some real damage was done? We all know teens tend to get a little rambunctious on Halloween. A hidden doorbell camera would capture all the Halloween activity around your house...all night long! So if your home does get vandalized or there is a nasty brown paper bag filled know you can know who did it!

Who cares if you're not going to the police with a video of a toilet papered yard. Most parents would ground their child for the next month if they saw them on video harrassing someone or damaging their property. Even if it is Halloween and only a prank.

To you, it's not funny!

You're the only one who is going to clean it up...Right??

Protect your property.