Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Trick or Treat??

Those pesky trick or treaters!

Want to know which neighbor's kid toilet papered your trees? What if some real damage was done? We all know teens tend to get a little rambunctious on Halloween. A hidden doorbell camera would capture all the Halloween activity around your house...all night long! So if your home does get vandalized or there is a nasty brown paper bag filled with...you know what....now you can know who did it!

Who cares if you're not going to the police with a video of a toilet papered yard. Most parents would ground their child for the next month if they saw them on video harrassing someone or damaging their property. Even if it is Halloween and only a prank.

To you, it's not funny!

You're the only one who is going to clean it up...Right??

Protect your property.

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