Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Snake Eyes

You want security for your home...who wouldn't! But when it comes to buying a home, a little proactive research can prove to be a life saver.
There is a new product just up for your consideration. The Spector made by Milwaukee is a tool that takes photos and video in tight spaces with a 1.3 megapixel camera and LED light on a three-foot bendable arm. Sounds a little weird, I know, but the uses of this tool can be endless.
Spector is mainly advertised to find leaks inside walls or under floors, which can save you thousands of dollars. But think of how many trouble spots this unit could find while you're searching crawl spaces and attics.
Not to mention, the Spector could be quite entertaining if you could see through a keyhole or under a closed door with it. The applications are endless for this revolutionary snake eye!

Party Time?

Think back to the last time you had a party at your house, office or apartment. Don't you wish you knew who spilled that blood-red wine on your nice cream colored carpet? Or how that antique coke bottle just happened to disappear?

While hidden cameras are definitely useful for finding out this type of information, there is a new product on the runway you might want to consider. Sony Party-shot event photographer is a docked camera that pivots 360 degrees around and 24 degrees up or down searching for faces in the crowd. When it finds a face, it snaps a picture and then resumes it's search!

Now, most people would buy this just for fun and would love the results. But, this unit could be particularly useful for solving those at fault for party mishaps or just for some reliable gossip material when the camera spots the married accountant flirting with the near-teenage temp.

If you know who is socializing the best, you can plan your seating charts more efficiently, avoiding the uncomfortable silence at the table from the two unlikely characters that can't stand each other. This can also be informative for who you need to dis-invite next time around!