Friday, September 18, 2009

Business Hidden Camera Placement

OK, what about my business?

Where can I put hidden cameras in my business, warehouse and office?

First of all, the bathrooms are completely off limits! Don't even think about it!

The rest is pretty much fair game.
The break room is an excellent place to start. Who is spending all their time at the water cooler or stealing lunches? And how does your coffee supply dwindle so fast?

Desks are a good placement for picture frames, work lamps, and boom box hidden cameras. Keep in mind, if it is placed on someone else's desk, it will most likely be moved from time to time, so check the video frequently.

Walls are better. A wall clock hidden camera is ideal for surveillance. This area is unlikely to be disturbed and once set in position won't need to be checked up on.

Warehouse....well, it depends. Is there a desk where everyone seems to gather? Is it all racks with pallets and a forklift coming in and out? Here again, a wall clock, exit sign or security lights might be your best option. Anything else in a high traffic area is likely to be moved.

Smoke breaks? Where do your employees congregate for their smoke breaks? Is it somewhere you could install a security light hidden camera? Is there a window nearby that could have a hidden camera on the window sill? The possibilities are endless!

What about that back storage room where no one ever seems to go? OK, so we all know the two main reason someone visits the storage room....for supplies and .....well, you know. Virtually any hidden camera can be placed here. Find out who is taking your supplies, if they are signing them out and keeping your inventory count accurate, and if someone is taking a little extra for themselves. There's also the office romance that can be kept in check!

Hallways are a great option for wall clock hidden cameras or picture frames as long as the picture is something related to the business and not something that is obviously out of place.

Stairwells are another good place for hidden cameras. In this day and age, everyone is sue crazy! Protect yourself and your business with a hidden camera clock or picture frame to ensure that you know what did or did not happen on those stairs.

It may save your business!

Help! How do I set this DVR up?

So you just got your new hidden camera and DVR in the mail! Congrats!

What do I do with this thing now?

Well, first the instructions if there are any! I'm so helpful, right?!

* Power

First thing you need to worry about is how to power your device. Many come with a cord you can plug into any standard electrical outlet. But many are portable or wireless and require batteries. Check to see what size batteries are needed and install.

* Wireless Receiver

Most often, your device will come with a receiver if it is wireless. This is something that needs power itself and will need to be plugged in. Then you will connect this device to your TV, VCR, DVR, or Computer Monitor for viewing and/or recording. Connection requires a RCA cable which usually comes with your hidden camera. This will fit into the usually tri-colored plug-ins on any TV, VCR or DVR and some Monitors.
Note: Make sure the antenna is in place on your receiver and check the frequency to be sure there isn't any interference!

* Wired Hidden Cameras

These units are fool proof. They will usually come with an RCA cable to attach directly from your hidden camera to your TV, VCR, DVR or monitor. The other cord will be your power cord, which is usually your only power source. These units obviously will have a little more restrictions on where you can place them since they will need to be within reach of an electrical outlet.

* Remote Access DVR

This is where the fun part comes in! Some DVR's may be different but the ones I sell at are set up as follows:
Your DVR will come with software to be installed on your computer. This will allow you to set up a user name and password for logging in remotely (from somewhere besides your home) to see your cameras. Your DVR must be programmed with your computer's unique IP (internet protocol) address (basically your computer's thumb print) in order to send this streaming video from your hidden camera to anywhere else.

* Required elements for your streaming video to work

Internet Explorer
Windows 2000, XP and Vista
If you are accessing video via cell phone, you must have Java 2.0
and an internet plan with your wireless carrier.
This means you have to have the latest cell phones what will support internet access.
Some of these phones are the iPhone, Symbian OS, and the Windows Based Smart Phone.

This technology is nothing short of amazing since it allows you to zoom in and pan while viewing your video!

I hope this was a little helpful in your attempt to set up hidden cameras with a DVR.

Where do I put my hidden camera?

I just bought my first hidden camera to watch my nanny!

So where do I put it?

With nannies becoming more and more aware they are being recorded, they are now able to hide their inappropriate behavior. Here are some critical points to consider in placing your hidden camera to work around this issue:

* The kitchen is where your nanny prepares everything your child eats. It's a good idea to put a boombox hidden camera in this area with a wide view.

* The living room is the only other place that will be frequented as much as the nursery. This may seem like stating the obvious, but it is essential to place hidden cameras on both walls so that you don't get a view of your nanny's back every time. Plus, this will give you an idea of how much TV she is watching. Or is the TV babysitting your child?

* The nursery is a given! Now, nannies will most likely be looking for a hidden camera and aware they are being recorded here. But, it is still prudent to put a clock hidden camera on the wall or picture frame near the baby's crib.

* It is illegal to put a hidden camera in the bathroom where private things are taking place, but if you have a bookshelf on the opposite wall from the bathroom door, you may catch bath times! (It is assumed that when doing private things, the nanny would keep the door shut, thus not being recorded.)

* What about the garage? Do you have preschool age children that play with bikes and toys in the garage? Do they seem to get hurt outside a lot or have multiple scrapes and bruises after a playdate? A work lamp hidden camera would be perfect here!

* You may not realize that any camera can be placed with a view to your front or back lawn! So if there are unexplained marks on your child, the source of them would be easily identified with a hidden camera watching them play outside.

* The office may not seem a likely place to put a camera for watching your nanny, but what if she spends a lot of time on the internet? Wouldn't you like to know if she is neglecting your child?

* Does your child have a favorite closet? As kids, we used to play in my parent's giant walk-in closet, and most kids love this area. A motion activated camera here would only show activity not a bunch of black video to wade through. This may also tell you if your child is playing "doctor" a little too much! : )

* Does the stairway become a slide more often than not? Make sure your kids aren't using their sleds or doing other harmful activities on these stairwells! Picture frames, clocks or pinhole cameras would do well here.

As you place your hidden cameras and begin viewing the footage, it may be necessary to adjust the position slightly to get a better view. Play around with it and you'll figure out the optimal vantage point.

Next camera placement.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Do you have a teen?

Well, none of us like to think we would EVER check up on our own children with a hidden camera. But....would you?

If your teen starts wearing odd clothing, dying their hair black and piercing everything in sight, most parents would be more than a little concerned. Solution?
First off, I will say that I do not approve of putting a hidden camera in your teen's bedroom where they will be changing and doing other personal things. But, if you and your spouse work and your teen is home alone after school for extended periods of time, hidden cameras in the living room could be an option to explore. What do they choose to watch on TV? Are they bypassing your parental controls on the TV and watching adult TV?
Is your teen having questionable friends over while you're away? Now you can you will be better equipped for helping your teen with their problems.
Say your teen is overweight and you want to watch their eating habits in an effort to change those habits to healthier ones.
Figure out where your teen hides their stash. This could be anything from drugs, alcohol, candy, or unhealthy snacks you'd rather they didn't have.
I'm not a fan of distrusting your kids, but we all know that teenagers go through phases that need some extra parental supervision! If that teen proves he or she is making questionable choices and not heeding your advice, maybe a hidden camera or telephone recorder can help.
Who is your teen on the phone will for hours on end? Are they talking about drugs, sex, or maybe crimes their friends have committed?
You may be laughing and saying I'm completely paranoid. Well, maybe...but I'd rather keep my child alive and safe if given the option!
Child predators, drug dealers and peers are coming up with new ways to destroy your child all the time.
Fight back for your kids!