Thursday, September 17, 2009

Do you have a teen?

Well, none of us like to think we would EVER check up on our own children with a hidden camera. But....would you?

If your teen starts wearing odd clothing, dying their hair black and piercing everything in sight, most parents would be more than a little concerned. Solution?
First off, I will say that I do not approve of putting a hidden camera in your teen's bedroom where they will be changing and doing other personal things. But, if you and your spouse work and your teen is home alone after school for extended periods of time, hidden cameras in the living room could be an option to explore. What do they choose to watch on TV? Are they bypassing your parental controls on the TV and watching adult TV?
Is your teen having questionable friends over while you're away? Now you can you will be better equipped for helping your teen with their problems.
Say your teen is overweight and you want to watch their eating habits in an effort to change those habits to healthier ones.
Figure out where your teen hides their stash. This could be anything from drugs, alcohol, candy, or unhealthy snacks you'd rather they didn't have.
I'm not a fan of distrusting your kids, but we all know that teenagers go through phases that need some extra parental supervision! If that teen proves he or she is making questionable choices and not heeding your advice, maybe a hidden camera or telephone recorder can help.
Who is your teen on the phone will for hours on end? Are they talking about drugs, sex, or maybe crimes their friends have committed?
You may be laughing and saying I'm completely paranoid. Well, maybe...but I'd rather keep my child alive and safe if given the option!
Child predators, drug dealers and peers are coming up with new ways to destroy your child all the time.
Fight back for your kids!

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