Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Reasons to own a Hidden Camera Part 2

Ok, so now the latest craze is the DVR. For the not so tech savy, its kind of like a digital VCR. In some cases, you have a hidden camera connected in one way or another to a stand alone or external DVR.
Even better are the hidden cameras with built-in DVR's. Talk about nice! They are usually only about a pound heavier and come with a removable SD or memory card so you can view your videos on your computer.
One more step up from that...and, ahhhh, we have the remote access DVR that is viewable via cell phones, internet, phone lines, LAN and WAN to name a few. Who wants to work from 9 to 5 and then come home to 8 or 9 hours (depending on how long your commute was) of video to watch? This way you can check in on your house, kids, business, warehouse, or even an elderly parent in a nursing home to make sure they are safe and their needs are being met. I'm fortunate enough to be able to stay home with my daughter at the moment. But if I wasn't??? I am the worry wart, paranoid mother who would definitely want to be able to see my daughter during the day via streaming video! Not just to check up on the nanny, but to give myself the peace of mind that my child is still alive, unhurt and breathing fine. Ok, slight exaggeration there, but you get the point!
Still to come...hidden cameras in the home...

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