Saturday, September 12, 2009

Baby Security

When my daughter was first born, it was like life from another dimension kicked in.

No more sleeping all night uninterrupted, no more blissful naps, not to mention my entire body hurt in places I'd never dreamed could hurt that badly!
But, as we settled into a routine, I became the attentive, worry-wart, typical first time mother. I boiled the pacifier, I ate when I wasn't hungry just to make enough milk. I folded every burp rag after washing them in hot water.
And when I wasn't running in 50 different directions trying to take care of a newborn as well as my other typical chores, there was this little creature sleeping in the next room. I wore more holes in the carpet because I had one of those audio baby monitors. Every gurgle, sigh, or rustle, and I was in that room making sure my baby was still breathing and her airways weren't blocked. Since she was a very light sleeper who had her days and nights mixed up, I did everything I could to verify her breathing...short of touching her. This involved much squatting to see her chest at eye level and make sure it was moving. Sometimes she was in such a deep sleep I would have to try to feel the air coming out of her mouth or nose...this wasn't quite as easy as it sounds! She could get in the darndest positions with her face turned away from me, so at times I was nearly standing on my head leaning inside her crib to get a better look in the dark. Laugh all you know you did the same thing with your first! And you newly-weds and moms-to-be...just wait!

What I would have given for a video baby monitor! Of course, I probably wouldn't have lost that weight quite as quickly if I hadn't been running to the nursery every 10 minutes!

For a great wireless monitor...
Mommy Blogs - BlogCatalog Blog Directory

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