Thursday, September 24, 2009

Security Logic

I recently saw an article about how Firefly is marketing a cell phone for 4 year old children! The phone has only five buttons and two can be programmed to call mom or dad.

Come ON people! Sure, my four year old had a blast "talking" on the phone. Did anyone understand a word she was saying? NO! Since when is a child that young in need of calling mom or dad? I can just see the preschooler whipping out a phone and chatting away with Mom at work or in the gym.

These are supposedly brightly colored phones that can be programmed with age appropriate ring tones, but when is a child too young for a cell phone?
A lot depends on the situation and the maturity of the child, but I'll tell you 4 year old I've ever seen is in need of a cell phone!
My vote, 12 at the youngest, but it's probably not necessary until 14.
Of course, my daughter is 6 1/2 and will, I'm sure, be begging at age 9 for a phone she saw her friend "using". Are we ruining their childhood?
And, shouldn't kids learn to write before they start texting and butchering, excuse me, abbreviating every word in the English language?

Keep in mind that 1/3 of teens in the U.S. have used their cell phone to cheat on school exams. Use your good judgement, friends!

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