Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Most Expensive Hidden Camera!

Want a completely invisible hidden camera? Try the Eyeball Implanted Hidden Camera! Well, this method may be a little extreme for the sane...but it's definitely an eye-catching idea. Okay, bad pun.

But seriously, this new technology for hidden cameras has been developed for the blind. It involves a procedure in which doctors implant a micro-camera directly into the eyeball in an attempt to return sight to people with damaged or no vision. While this technology to restore sight was developed some time ago; the wiring and charging of these cameras was too bulky for a realistic application.

Now, however, a nerve-stimulating chip can be implanted at the back of the eye, charging wirelessly and communicating directly to the camera inside the lens of the eye itself. This produces a totally covert electronic vision system.

In stumbling across this latest advancement, I can't help but wonder how long it will take a hacker to tap into that video feed and see everythig the user is seeing. One person's nightmare is a hacker's dream.

Think your $2,000 digital Canon was expensive? Well, consider yourself lucky you got away that easy, because this eyeball hidden camera is most likely the most expensive hidden camera out there!

And while 95% of the population will never need such and advanced device in order to see, I am thankful for the existence of that technology for the percentage that will.

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