Monday, November 2, 2009

What About Our Schools?

With nearly 1,000 cameras watching our students while they're in school every day, you'd think they are safe, right? WRONG!

If you have kidded yourself into thinking your child is safe, check out and you will see where the 340 shootings since 1992 have occurred.

The majority of the recent shootings are assumed to have been gang related, which is a nightmare in and of itself. What bothers me is the fact that our children, our future generation is forced to pass like cattle through metal detectors and at times be subjected to pat downs. How did we get this far gone? Why is it necessary that every child is required to have an ID tag just to get on the school bus? Some even have radio frequency tags that track their movements in and around school! It seems to me that our school systems are turning into a daily prison for our children!
When you discover that school visitors have to keep visitors inside a "secure vestibule" which is reinforced with bulletproof glass until they are cleared to enter, it seems quite "prison like" to me. When we hear of the ridiculous cases of six year-olds being suspended for bringing a camping utensil to school, it seems like we are taking giant steps backwards in our children's upbringing and education.
What is the answer when hundreds of cameras, metal detectors and security screenings are not enough? Are we forced to surrender our children daily only to wonder and worry whether we will seem them for dinner that same night?
If you're lucky enough to have the option of home school, I would urge you to take advantage of it!

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