Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Latest in Choosing a Gun Safe

When is the last time you stopped to really consider what you would do if you heard an intruder in your home. Be it the middle of the night or during the day, it is wise to have a plan of action to defend your home.

If you have guns, an ideal place for them is a gun safe. But what if that intruder comes to visit? Are you going to creep out of bed in the middle of the night only to find that you can see the keypad or combination lock on that safe? Time is of the essence when dealing with seasoned criminals, so it is worth your while to have a gun safe you can open quickly.

I was a huge fan of the TV show Bionic Woman. The thought of that type of technology is astounding. Well, we are reaching that age of technology today. There is now a biometric gun safe that will scan your fingerprint and open immediately! The nice thing about it is that more than one fingerprint can be programmed into these "bio" safes, so you, your wife, and any grown children can have access to your safe at any given moment without delay. This option can be crucial when it comes to protecting your home; if caught unawares, you may not get the chance to defend your family.

With the option of this biometric safe, it is no longer necessary to keep it on a high shelf out of reach from your children. You can keep the safe near your bed or even under it for quick access in the night. It is the best option for keeping your guns and ammunition completely safe from your children or anyone else who might have an interest in them. While I'm not a fan of violence, I am in favor of doing what is necessary to protect my family first and home second. When push comes to shove, I do believe I would act accordingly and defend what is precious to me.

How ready are you?

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