Monday, October 5, 2009

Are Satellite Cameras Watching You?

Ever wonder how powerful satellite images really are?
I'm sure you've seen the movies like Enemy of the State with Gene Hackman and Will Smith. How accurate this technology really is, I'm sure we'll never know, but it should make one pause to consider the possibility.
You've all used or heard of Google Maps and Google Earth, right?
It gives you, the civilian a taste of what the government can see. The fact that we have access to these "fuzzy" images should give you an idea of what our officials and lawmakers have. If they can zoom in even further, they should be able to see you sunbathing topless in your backyard.
Now, I'm sure our government has more important things to do than spy on us in our own backyards, don't you think? The fact of the matter is, if they are looking at the house of a "person of interest" and you happen to live next door to them, you may be included in this surveillance. Does that bother you? You may not think it's a huge deal now because you don't have anything to hide. It bothers me, though.
The fact that I can't live in the boonies and completely avoid our traffic cameras, ATM cameras and security cameras in every store if I so choose, gets under my skin. No matter where you live, you can always be found or spied upon.
While I'm not a conspiracy theorist, this is a major invasion of privacy to me. The opportunity for abuse of this "surveillance" is too great.
Something to think about.

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